Write Time, Right Now

Time Weavers from Ixchel Lunar:

Dream Wildly, Create Boldly

Daily creativity rituals for revolutionary leaders, creatives, and writers

Deep, radical embodiment practices to connect your wild essence with Earth wisdom so you can amplify your impact.

Daily creativity rituals for revolutionary leaders, creatives, and writers. Deep, radical embodiment practices to connect your wild essence with Earth wisdom so you can amplify your impact.

We need space to dream in the wild to weave new worlds and new rhythms.

Time Weavers offers a sanctuary from the relentless pace of dominator culture. By integrating ancestral wisdom, seasonal and lunar cycles, and the transformative power of writing to weave new worlds, we cultivate spaces for restoration, connection, and growth.

Here, amid the wisdom of the wild, you can find the roots to dream, create, and flourish.

We need space to dream in the wild to weave new worlds and new rhythms.

Time Weavers offers a sanctuary from the relentless pace of dominator culture. By integrating ancestral wisdom, seasonal and lunar cycles, and the transformative power of writing to weave new worlds, we cultivate spaces for restoration, connection, and growth.

Here, amid the wisdom of the wild, you can find the roots to dream, create, and flourish.

The Challenge

The Challenge

I have all the time in the world for my creativity….

…said no one ever.

There are at least three systemic issues at play,

  1. the Productivity Paradox

  2. the Disconnection Directive

  3. the Colonial Time Construct

But explore any leader's day, and you'll find...

82% feel stifled by systemic issues impeding their time and creativity.*

*From Skillademia and Bain & Company

1. The Productivity Paradox

In a world where speed is glorified over depth, the Productivity Paradox compels us to rush through life without pausing to savor it. This relentless pursuit of productivity turns busyness into a badge of honor, squeezing out rest and rejuvenation.

Our health and well-being often become sacrifices on the altar of efficiency, leaving little room for creative exploration and deep thinking.

2. The Disconnection Directive

As urbanization and digitization pull us further from nature, the Disconnection Directive severs our ties to the Earth. This disconnection cuts us off from our cultural roots and ancestral wisdom, replacing rich, diverse heritage with a homogenized global culture.

Our intrinsic link to the natural world and its cycles is diminished, weakening our creative and intuitive capacities.

3. The Colonial Time Construct

The Colonial Time Construct prioritizes efficiency over human-centric needs, creating technologies and workspaces that alienate us from our natural rhythms. This construct drives an economic model that fosters collective amnesia about the natural cycles that once guided human life.

As a result, we lose touch with the organic flow of time, replacing deep creative heritage with a homogenized global culture.

Don’t sweat it. Seriously, this is a dominator culture, and it’s not our fault.

And at the risk of sounding horribly cliché, the cure for all this stress is really very simple.

Many of the challenges we face in our creative and professional lives stem from two things:

Beliefs & Expectations imposed by dominator culture.

Possibly triggering observation incoming…

Many prevailing beliefs and expectations around productivity and time are not just unrealistic — they're deeply rooted in colonial mindsets that disregard our natural rhythms and cultural wisdom.

What if we shifted our expectations and beliefs about what our creative endeavors and leadership should embody? By doing so, the stress and disconnection we often feel would be replaced by...

Restoration, connection, and growth.


The benefits of our work are far reaching for creatives.

Rediscover the grounding power of lunar and seasonal rituals:

  • Cultivate a creative sanctuary to nurture your writing and reflective practices daily.

  • Connect deeply with a community that values growth, respect, and shared wisdom.

  • Align your personal rhythms with the natural world in ways that inspire and rejuvenate.

Experience a profound increase in productivity

—similar to the 500% improvement observed by McKinsey in executives who engage regularly with flow states—transforming how you approach your creative endeavors.

Harness the enduring afterglow of creativity that Harvard research suggests lasts up to three days post-flow state, enhancing your artistic expression and deepening your cultural work.

Utilize the remarkable potential for skill enhancement. Studies by Advanced Brain Monitoring & Darpa indicate a 490% increase in skill acquisition during flow, supporting you to deepen your practice with exceptional speed and depth.

Explore solutions and ideas through a lens of expanded creativity, inspired by findings from the University of Sydney showing a 430% increase in creative problem-solving capabilities among individuals in flow states.

Step into a space designed to facilitate flow states, drawing on scientific evidence of their significant impact on performance and innovation, to enrich your connection to your work and the world around you.

So you can…

  • cultivate your full creative potential for greater impact,

  • lead with wisdom rooted in cultural insights,

  • and infuse every moment with meaning and deep connection.

That’s why I'm SO flippin’ excited to bring you...

A monthly creative Rituals subscription

Crafted for revolutionary leaders, creatives, and writers who seek to blend creativity with Earth wisdom, so you can amplify your impact.


  • Tier 1: Offline content like writing and nature connection prompts daily via emails or as PDF guides and videos aligned with lunar phases and seasons.

  • Tier 2: Monthly Live sessions that nurture collectivism, interaction and group Flow.

    PLUS Access to exclusive member forums for continuous connection and support.

Nothing extra* to distract you from your creativity.

*Except This Cool Side Benefit:  As a member, you can submit a request for a particular monthly theme. Maybe we’ll work it into our queue!

Alternate way to set up the features - if you have ONE main feature and then several bonuses

Subscription Mode Live Workshop (Value $197)

You’ll be live with Julie Chenell, Cathy Olson, and special guest Melissa Lanz during the trategic and tactical walkthrough of building a subscription offer in your business.

During the two hours you will learn:

  • The difference types of subscription offers

  • How to brainstorm a subscription offer quickly

  • Ways to use existing business assets so you’re working smarter not harder

  • The unique elements in a subscription model offer

  • How to decide if you’re going to sell one tier or two in your subscription

  • Sales page secrets for subscriptions

  • How to price your subscription

  • The timeline from idea to launch

  • What churn is and how to reduce it

  • How to estimate how much you can make from your subscription offer

  • What tools work best for selling your subscription

Plus, you’ll get the following:

The chance to ask each of us questions live on the call about your idea

Unlimited access to the recording & the materials that come with it

Special offer for our Subscription funnel & coaching

In addition to the class, receive three exclusive bonuses (normally only reserved for our coaching clients)

Bonus 1: Subscription Launch Timeline (Value $47)

Broken out week by week, you’ll be given the core tasks you need to complete what you’ve built during the workshop. Your subscription offer will be out the door in less than 60 days. The launch timeline includes core tasks and optional to do’s as well.

Bonus 2: How To Name Your Subscription (Value $47)

The name is one of the most important parts of your subscription offer. Don’t make the classic amateur mistakes. Use this bonus to help you (and your favorite AI assistant) brainstorm a name that is sure to be memorable!

Bonus 3: Sales Subscription Estimator (Value $27)

Everyone wants a crystal ball to see how well their subscription offer will sell. With our sales estimator, it’s as close as you can get. You’ll be able to estimate the sales and reach for your offer, and plan your upcoming launches accordingly with this easy-to-use sheet.

Weaving Words, Weaving New Worlds:



Engage with the Unseen, the Underground, and the Wild Edges of Creativity and Existence.

Time Weavers offers a range of solutions designed to counter modern challenges

with Earth wisdom and mindful practices, including these monthly themes:

Deep Focus Sessions: Immerse yourself in guided rituals that cultivate deep, undisturbed work practices, moving away from the fragmented focus driven by multitasking. Dive into the hidden currents of creativity, embracing transgressive and liminal practices that challenge conventional norms. Engage with the underground energies of your creative self to discover profound depths of focus and innovation.

Reflective Learning: Embrace slow, mindful learning methods through curated video and written content, encouraging profound reflection and deep understanding. Delve into the radical realms of decolonial thought and queering experiences, exploring the wild edges of knowledge. These reflective practices foster a deep connection with your inner wisdom and the world around you, inviting transformative insights.

Authentic Connection: Cultivate genuine kinship through vibrant community forums and live sessions, deepening relationships beyond superficial digital interactions. Thriving on the celebration of diverse experiences, creating spaces for radical connection and support. Engage in dialogues that honor all the identities and challenge societal norms, building a network of authentic relationships.

Seasonal Alignment: Reconnect with the natural cycles of the seasons through enriching rituals and activities, promoting holistic health and well-being in tune with environmental rhythms. Embrace the Earth's rhythms, exploring the fluidity of time and the liminal spaces between seasons. These practices ground you in the cyclical wisdom of the Earth, fostering a deep sense of belonging and harmony.

Nature Integration: Immerse yourself regularly in the natural world with guided outdoor activities and meditations, enhancing your physical health and mental clarity. Experience the wildness of nature through a decolonial, queer lens, engaging with the unseen and the mysterious. These integrative practices deepen your connection to the Earth, inviting a sense of wonder and reverence for the natural world.

Cultural Reclamation: Celebrate and preserve diverse cultural practices and traditions with our monthly themes, honoring unique cultural identities. Our content highlights the rich tapestry of queer and indigenous traditions, challenging colonial narratives and reclaiming cultural heritage. Engage with stories and rituals that celebrate the multiplicity of identities and experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of our shared humanity.

Regenerative Practices: Embrace long-term regenerativity in your life with content focused on eco-friendly creativity rituals and somatic living. Integrate mycelial practices that honor the Earth and promote holistic well-being. These regenerative practices invite you to live in harmony with the planet, nurturing a sense of resilience and adaptability.

Creative Flourishing: Stimulate innovative thinking and personal expression with creativity-enhancing practices and prompts designed to spark your inner passions. Explore the wild edges of your creativity, embracing the fugitive and transgressive aspects of your artistic self. These practices encourage you to break free from conventional constraints and celebrate the radical potential of your creative spirit.

Regulated Rest: Improve your sleep patterns with guided nighttime rituals and sleep hygiene practices, aligning your rest with natural rhythms for better well-being. Embrace the restorative power of rest through liminal practices that honor the body's need for regeneration. These rituals create a sanctuary of peace and tranquility, inviting deep and restful sleep.

Acoustic Awareness: Create a tranquil auditory environment with our curated soundscapes and discussions on reducing noise pollution, creating peaceful, restorative auditory environments in your personal space. Experience the healing power of sound through queer and indigenous perspectives, exploring the mycelial connections between music, nature, and the soul. These practices cultivate an environment of serenity and harmony, enhancing your overall well-being.

Each of these solutions aims to mend the fractured connections between individuals, their collectives, and the natural world. By fostering a holistic approach — a mycelial connection — to living, we bridge ancestral and Earth wisdom with modern needs, creating a resonance that deeply nurtures and renews.

By engaging with these themes, you enter a journey that honors the unseen, celebrates the underground, and explores the wild edges of existence. Together, we challenge norms, invite radical shifts in perception and action, and celebrate the rich diversity of queer and sapphic experiences. Join us in this transformative exploration and discover the profound potential of your creative self.

Time Weavers is perfect for:

  • Cultural Creatives: Visionaries and thought leaders eager to deepen their understanding of the world by blending cultural wisdom with contemporary practices, sparking innovation and insight.

  • Mindful Movers: Individuals seeking to slow down their hectic lives, finding serenity in the rhythms of nature and the introspective practice of writing, cultivating deep Flow states.

  • Eco-conscious Learners: Advocates of regenerative living who aim to weave environmental awareness into their daily rituals, developing harmony with the Earth.

  • Ancestral Explorers: Enthusiasts passionate about reconnecting with their roots, exploring ancestral traditions, and nurturing a profound sense of identity through ecological and cultural education.

  • Embodiment Advocates: Somatic-conscious individuals dedicated to prioritizing embodiment, striving for dynamic equilibrium in every dimension of life.

  • Collective Seekers: Souls yearning for a sense of belonging, ready to join a supportive collective that share the values of deep connection, mutual growth, and respectful dialogue.

Ready to Join the Creative Revolution?


Elemental Rhythms


  • Exclusive Content: Receive writing and nature connection prompts daily via email or monthly as PDF Guidebooks and videos aligned with the lunar phases provide instructions and insights for personal rituals.

  • Creativity Rituals: Engage in short practices and daily writing prompts designed to foster reflection and creativity, helping you explore your thoughts and feelings about the world around you through words.

  • Educational Materials: Access articles and multimedia content that delve into cultural, historical, and environmental topics, enriching your knowledge and appreciation of diverse perspectives and cultures.

Delivered to your inbox daily!

Get in Collective Flow

Collective Currents


  • Everything in Tier 1, PLUS:

  • Live Interactive Sessions: Participate in weekly live circle Co-Rest/Flow sessions and quarterly writing retreats led by kick-ass creatives, including Ixchel Lunar and guest speakers, focusing on the month’s theme.

  • Member Forums: Gain access to a private Voxer community where members can connect, share experiences, and support one another on their journeys.

  • Group Activities: Engage in real-time community activities such as collective storytelling or writing sessions, group meditations, and seasonal virtual gatherings.

A Member Portal!

About Your Ancestral Wisdom Weaver:


Ixchel Lunar is a multifaceted writer, publisher, and High-Flow coach with over two decades of experience supporting authors, literary agents, and creatives in realizing their visions.

Ixchel blends ancestral wisdom with modern insights, helping creators redefine their relationships with time, creativity, and the natural world, guiding them to unfold their unique vision and potential.

With a rich background in publishing management, website development, and marketing, Ixchel has worked closely with renowned author Peter Russell for nearly 20 years, bringing a wealth of experience in the literary world.

Trained in book publishing by best-selling author Danielle LaPorte, a long-time friend and mentor, Ixchel has also crafted digital spaces for literary figures such as Steven Barclay, best-selling author Azar Nafisi, Firoozeh Dumas, Carolyn Lehman, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Tony Kushner, Academy Award-winning filmmaker Frida Lee Mock, and others, showcasing a deep commitment to promoting literary and creative excellence.

Their expertise was further enhanced by training in Flow coaching and writing for Flow with multi-bestselling author Steven Kotler, equipping Ixchel with the tools to guide others in harnessing their creative potential through the science of Flow states.

Beyond their professional achievements, Ixchel is a passionate advocate for decolonizing time and exploring alternative ways of living. Deeply influenced by their queer, mixed-Indigenous heritage and experiences as a disabled, gender-fluid, vision-impaired, neuro-emergent medicine carrier, Ixchel champions the rights of Indigenous peoples to land stewardship. Their advocacy is informed by their tenure as a former vice-mayor and their dedication to mending kinship with time and place.


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Our Creative Spark Guarantee :)

  • You don’t need to be deeply versed in rituals or creative writing to begin.

  • Practices will take you moments to integrate into your daily life.

  • They will profoundly enrich your understanding and connection to time and creativity.

Cancel anytime, no hassle, no problem—email [email protected] to reach the most understanding and responsive customer support team in the world of creative well-being.


Still Not Sure? Get One Week For Free…On Us!

YES! Try before you buy. We think you will love it! À la the Costco sample.

Dip your toes into the flowing waters of time with us.

Right here, we’re offering you one guidebook, one week of creative writing prompts, and one meditation so you can see exactly what Time Weavers Collective has in store for you. If you’re ready to dive deeper, fantastic. This free sample is delivered the minute you sign up!

Ixchel is like a fine surgeon, always finding the exact place to direct their wisdom, so that I leave them more alive and empowered to create a life full of purpose and passion. – Kathy Benson

Frequently Asked Questions.

What exactly will I get when I subscribe to Time Weavers?

Tier 1: Elemental Rhythms subscribers receive monthly PDF guides, videos, and daily creative rituals and writing prompts via email that help you align with natural and cultural rhythms.

Tier 2: Communal Currents includes everything in Tier 1, plus access to a live monthly session or ritual, and a vibrant community forum for deeper engagement and peer support on your writing.

How can I be sure that Time Weavers is right for me?

Try our subscription free for a week! It includes a guided meditation, a week of creative writing prompts, and an insightful guidebook so you can get a taste of what our community and resources are like, with no obligation to subscribe.

Can I cancel my subscription if it’s not right for me?

Absolutely. You can cancel your subscription at any time, no questions asked. Just send an email to our support team at [email protected], and we'll help you take care of it.

What if I don’t have much experience with rituals or creative writing?

Time Weavers is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of experience level. Our resources are crafted to guide you step-by-step through each process, making it easy to integrate rituals and creativity into your daily life.

What makes Time Weavers different from other subscription services?

Unlike other services focusing solely on productivity or entertainment, Time Weavers is designed to enrich your spiritual and creative life. It connects you with ancient wisdom through modern practices, helping you find peace and creativity in your daily routines.

How often will I receive new content?

New content is released monthly, aligned with the lunar cycles and seasons to ensure that each offering is timely and helps you connect with the natural rhythm of the month. Plus you can subscribe to receive daily creative writing prompts to deep your practice.

Join the Weaving: From the grip of the Productivity Paradox to a life rich with Time and Creativity.

Connect with the Time Weavers Collective, where each moment offers a chance to renew connections with our ancestral wisdom and deepen our ties to the Earth.

Together, we'll explore the spaces between the seconds, where true understanding and communion with the world around us unfold.

So you can...

🌱 cultivate your full creative potential for greater impact, 

🌱 lead with insights rooted in Earth wisdom, 

🌱 and infuse every moment with meaning and deep connection.

Join us in growing a space where every breath in nature enhances our collective narrative, reconnecting us with the enduring rhythms that nourish our spirits and communities.

I can’t wait to see your creativity flourish!

xo Ixchel

Ready to Transform Your Creative Journey?


Elemental Rhythms


  • Exclusive Content: Receive writing and nature connection prompts daily via email or monthly as PDF Guidebooks and videos aligned with the lunar phases provide instructions and insights for personal rituals.

  • Creativity Rituals: Engage in short practices and daily writing prompts designed to foster reflection and creativity, helping you explore your thoughts and feelings about the world around you through words.

  • Educational Materials: Access articles and multimedia content that delve into cultural, historical, and environmental topics, enriching your knowledge and appreciation of diverse perspectives and cultures.

Delivered to your inbox daily!

Get in Collective Flow

Collective Currents


  • Everything in Tier 1, PLUS:

  • Live Interactive Sessions: Participate in weekly live circle Co-Rest/Flow sessions and quarterly writing retreats led by kick-ass creatives, including Ixchel Lunar and guest speakers, focusing on the month’s theme.

  • Member Forums: Gain access to a private Voxer community where members can connect, share experiences, and support one another on their journeys.

  • Group Activities: Engage in real-time community activities such as collective storytelling or writing sessions, group meditations, and seasonal virtual gatherings.

A Member Portal!

I’m going slow and letting slowness be okay. I feel a friendliness with Time and the luminaries. Just as years ago I expanded my capacity for a relationship with nature and the Earth, now I’m feeling the expansion of a relationship with the luminaries, too. I’ve always loved starlight, moonlight, and water. Now I can FEEL them in my life. How could we be lonely, with so many friends? Such a beautiful teaching, and it’s still working me. Thank you, Ixchel! – Anne Marie

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